Wreck Diver Specialty CERTIFICATION

What Exactly Is Wreck DIVING?
Nature provides us with plenty to see on any dive. Reefs full of wondrous marine life. But man has also left behind an almost endless supply of things to explore underwater.
Wreck diving is an exciting way to combine your passion for diving with a fascinating windows to history and the past.
Exploring ships, airplanes, tanks, cars and mighty war machines form days gone by offers an amazing chance for discovery. Usually teeming with aquatic life, wreck diving offers rewarding adventures like no other.
Beyond teaching key safety measures, the wreck diver course also helps you learn to identify interesting aspects of wrecks that might not be obvious to the untrained eye. It all adds up to a better, more interesting dive adventure.

What Am I Going To LEARN?

As with all diving, safety is paramount and always the number one priority With no exceptions. This is especially of greater importance when wreck diving.
There are many different types of wreck diving and actual wrecks. Some are protected by laws that guard their historical and cultural significance.
This course may be taught as non-penetration with 2 dives required. It may also be conducted or as a limited-penetration course, requiring 3 dives.
Limited-penetration is defined as a swim through or within the ambient light of entry point.
Your training starts by reviewing guidelines for researching and respecting wrecks. During four dives you’ll learn:
Safety considerations for navigating and exploring wrecks.
Surveying and mapping a wreck.
Using penetration lines and reels to guide exploration.
Techniques to avoid kicking up silt or disturbing the wreck and its inhabitants.
To participate in the Wreck Diver course, the Student Diver must meet the following requirements.
SDI Open Water Scuba Diver, or equivalent
Minimum age 18, 15 for limited penetration course with parental consent
Minimum age 10 with parental consent for a non-penetration course
Junior Open Water Divers may not participate in any penetration activities or dives deeper than 18 metres/60 feet
Divers must have a deep diver specialty certification or be able to provide proof of experience in order to dive deeper than 18 metres/60 feet in this course

What Equipment Will I NEED?
Along with your basic scuba equipment, you’ll need a SMB orD SMB, a line and reel. Your The Dive Place Instructor and The Dive Place crew may suggest other equipment options, such as wearing more exposure protection to stay comfortable in cooler water.
You may be able to get college credit for the Deep Diver course – ask your instructor.
Also, the first dive of this Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Adventure Diver certification – ask your instructor about earning credit.

Enroll in the course and get a Deep Diver online eLearning materials. By studying before class, you’ll be better prepared for the thrill of exploring the underwater world while cruising along drifting with the current and enjoying the ride.
A Open Water or Advanced Open Water Certification or equivalent is required for this course. For more information, contact The Dive Place on 407-517-4737, or drop us a email at info@TheDivePlace.com.
Specialty Courses such as Deep Diver are your stepping stones to a whole world of exciting opportunities that awaits you. Perhaps you want to further your training with a Master Diver course or maybe you want to become a dive professional and go all the way to Divemaster or even become an Instructor! Whatever your scuba and skin diving needs, let The Dive Place help you realize your dreams!