Inactive Diver Refresher PROGRAM

So you love to dive but with life, family, work and a myriad of reasons have kept you out of the water.
Now that it has been a while or even a few years and life has calmed down, you are itching to get back into the water.
The SDI Inactive Diver/Refresher Program is designed to update and review the knowledge and skill level of an inactive diver.
This program can also be used as a catalyst for continuing education programs.

How Do I Begin The PROGRAM?

To participation the Inactive Diver/Refresher Program is fairly simple.
The academic section is completed via eLearning at home, on your own computer/tablet at your own pace. This way you get to start and stop as life, family, work dictates.
Once you complete the eLearning section you simply make and appointment for a easy Review Session where we go over the eLearning with you. Answer any questions and ensure a complete understanding of the basics.
During the Review Session will size you with the equipment you will need for you in-water dives. You will reacquaint yourself with the equipment and assemble, prepare and understand the scuba diving equipment in the safety and comfort of the Review Session well before you enter the water.
We then schedule your 2 in-water days.
The requirements for the Inactive Diver/Refresher Program are very straight forward.
Have proof of an Open Water Certification or a Junior Open Water Certification from a recognized dive
training organization.
You must be a minimum of 10 years old. You need adequate swimming skills and need to be in good physical health.
Your instructor will refresh your knowledge about dive equipment, responsible diving practices and the environment.
Come on and dive in…a lifetime of fun, adventure, memories, experiences, and new friends awaits you!

What Equipment Will You NEED?

While training, The Dive Place will provide you with basic Scuba Diving equipment, regulator, octo/alternative air source, Buoyancy Device (BC), scuba cylinders and wetsuit.
What is not included in the price of the class is your personal diving equipment. Student Divers are required to provide their own personal equipment such as mask, snorkel, boots, fins, weights and a rescue signal device (smb).
The Dive Place stocks a variety of equipment and our experienced Crew Members are able to assist you with the purchase of your personal equipment.
In addition any entry fees, ocean boat fees, transportation to/from pool, dive training sites or dock fees are not included.
Enroll in the course and get the Inactive Diver/Refresher Program online eLearning materials. By studying before class, you’ll be better prepared for the thrill of exploring the underwater world while cruising along drifting with the current and enjoying the ride.
A Open Water or Junior Open Water Certification or equivalent is required for this course. For more information, contact The Dive Place on 407-517-4737, or drop us a email at
Once you complete your Inactive Diver/Refresher Program your stepping stones to a whole world of exciting opportunities that awaits you. Perhaps you want to further your training with a Master Diver course or maybe you want to become a dive professional and go all the way to Divemaster or even become an Instructor! Whatever your scuba and skin diving needs, let The Dive Place help you realize your dreams!